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Manufacturer Information: UNFI, Inc.
Product Name: Field Day Single Dishwashing Powder Packs
Description of Product Form: Automatic dishwashing powder packs
Product UPC: 42563603823
GS1 Category: 10000406
Extent of Disclosure:
Hierarchy of Non-Fragrance Ingredients Disclosure Levels
Level selected Level number Level description
X Level 1: Full Disclosure of All Intentionally Added and Nonfunctional Ingredients
  Level 2: Full Disclosure of All Intentionally Added Ingredients
  Level 3: Partial Disclosure of Intentionally Added Ingredients
Hierarchy of Fragrance Ingredients Disclosure Levels
Level selected Level number Level description
X Level 1: Full Disclosure of All Fragrances
  Level 2: Partial Disclosure of Fragrances: Master List Provided
  Level 3: Partial Disclosure of Fragrances: No Master List Provided
  Level 4: No Disclosure of Fragrances; Master List Provided
  Level 5: No Disclosure of Fragrances; No Master List Provided
Lot Code:
YYYYMMDDHH:MM:SS Operating Line (Digit & Number); Example of lot code - 2019040211:03:53 L5
CASRN Present on List of Chemicals of Concern Ingredient Name Category Role
6132-04-3   sodium citrate Intentionally added ingredient cleaning agent
497-19-8   sodium carbonate Intentionally added ingredient processing agent
15630-89-4   sodium percarbonate Intentionally added ingredient oxidizing agent
7757-82-6 CA non-cancer hazards sodium sulphate Intentionally added ingredient cleaning agent
94525-01-6   aspartic acid, homopolymer, sodium salt Intentionally added ingredient dispersing agent
68439-51-0   alcohol C12-14, ethoxylated, propoxylated Intentionally added ingredient surfactant
1344-09-8   sodium silicate Intentionally added ingredient cleaning agent
77-92-9   citric acid Intentionally added ingredient pH adjuster
9014-01-1 EU respiratory sensitizers protease enzyme Intentionally added ingredient detergent aid
9000-90-2 EU respiratory sensitizers alpha amylase enzyme Intentionally added ingredient detergent aid
9004-34-6   cellulose Intentionally added ingredient binder
7772-98-7   sodium thiosulphate Intentionally added ingredient stabilizer
7487-88-9 CA Non-Cancer Hazards magnesium sulfate Intentionally added ingredient binder
13463-67-7 IARC Carcinogens titanium dioxide Intentionally added ingredient colorant
57-50-1   sucrose Intentionally added ingredient binder
25322-68-3   polyethylene glycol Intentionally added ingredient binder
471-34-1   calcium carbonate Intentionally added ingredient binder
1332-58-7   kaolin Intentionally added ingredient binder
9004-53-9   dextrin Intentionally added ingredient binder

Effects on Human Health and the Environment:
Human Health studies Study results
Globally Harmonized System of Hazard Characteristics None
Studies performed by the manufacturer None
Epidemiological Study None
Peer Reviewed Study None
American Cleaning Institute Ingredient Safety Initiative None

Date of Disclosure: Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Link to Product SDS: Dishwashing packs SDS
NY Household Cleansing Product Information Disclosure: N/A
Contact for additional ingredient information:
UNFI, Inc.
313 Iron Horse Way
Providence, RI 02908