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UNFI Grocery, Frozen, Dairy

Meet the Needs of Your Unique Market

With our assortment of grocery, frozen, and dairy products from the leading brands locally, regionally and nationally, you’ll get access to top-selling items, the latest in category innovation, and the latest trends in your freezers and refrigerators.


SKUs: unparalleled selection to fulfill all your needs


states: delivering groceries,
frozen and dairy products


week support: drive year-round
sales with our expert planning
and support 

Thrive in Planning Your Pricing and Promotions

You’ll gain the input, research, insights, and data analytics to balance product offerings that work best for your store. And with competitive everyday  pricing along with extensive promotional opportunities, you’ll deliver the best value for your shoppers.

How UNFI Grocery, Frozen, and Dairy Stands Apart

We’ll get the best to your freezers and fridges fast.

Our speed to shelf service is unmatched. It’s what you need and what your shoppers deserve.

Partner with us