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Manufacturer Information: UNFI, Inc.
Product Name: Shoppers Value Household Cleanser
Description of Product Form: powder
Product UPC: 4113031138
GS1 Category: 10000746
Extent of Disclosure:
Hierarchy of Non-Fragrance Ingredients Disclosure Levels
Level selected Level number Level description
  Level 1: Full Disclosure of All Intentionally Added and Nonfunctional Ingredients
  Level 2: Full Disclosure of All Intentionally Added Ingredients
X Level 3: Partial Disclosure of Intentionally Added Ingredients
Hierarchy of Fragrance Ingredients Disclosure Levels
Level selected Level number Level description
  Level 1: Full Disclosure of All Fragrances
  Level 2: Partial Disclosure of Fragrances: Master List Provided
  Level 3: Partial Disclosure of Fragrances: No Master List Provided
  Level 4: No Disclosure of Fragrances; Master List Provided
X Level 5: No Disclosure of Fragrances; No Master List Provided
Lot Code
CASRN Present on List of Chemicals of Concern Ingredient Name Category Role
1317-65-3 Crystalline Silica (trace impurity) Calcium Carbonate Intentionally added ingredient Abrasive
497-19-8 None Sodium Carbonate Intentionally added ingredient pH adjuster
68081-81-2 None Linear Alkylebenzene Sulfonate Intentionally added ingredient Surfactant
87-90-1 None Tri Chloro S Triazine trione Intentionally added ingredient Belaching Agent
94266-47-4 None Fragrance Intentionally added ingredient Fragrance
1328-53-6 None Green Dye Intentionally added ingredient Coloring Age

Effects on Human Health and the Environment:
Human Health studies Study results
Globally Harmonized System of Hazard Characteristics

EYE Irritant, Skin Irritant

Studies performed by the manufacturer None
Epidemiological Study N/A
Peer Reviewed Study N/A
American Cleaning Institute Ingredient Safety Initiative N/A

Date of Disclosure: Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Link to Product SDS: Link to Supplier SDS
NY Household Cleansing Product Information Disclosure: N/A
Contact for additional ingredient information:
UNFI, Inc.
313 Iron Horse Way
Providence, RI 02908